
Training Class for First Aid and Medical Care


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Training Class for First Aid and Medical Care

The Training Class for First Aid and Medical Care is a specially equipped training facility designed to teach crew members of maritime vessels the skills necessary for providing medical assistance and care. In this class, practical training sessions are conducted using modern medical equipment and training devices, ensuring high-quality preparation of seafarers for potential medical situations on board the vessel.

Training Objectives

The main objective of the classes in this facility is to prepare seafarers to provide emergency medical aid and medical care under maritime conditions. This includes:

• Training in basic first aid methods.

• Practical application of medical equipment and medications.

• Preparation for providing assistance in conditions of limited medical services on the vessel.

• Development of skills in medical care and performing resuscitation procedures.

The Complex Allows Seafarers to Acquire Practical Skills

Providing First Aid: In cases of accidents on the vessel, including injuries, burns, fainting, and other emergencies.

1. Using Medical Equipment and Medications: Training in the proper use of medical instruments and medications in conditions of limited access to medical care.

2. Recognizing and Treating Tropical and Infectious Diseases: Preparation for providing first aid for illnesses characteristic of maritime voyages in various climatic zones.

3. Disease Prevention: Conducting preventive measures to prevent the spread of infections and diseases on the vessel.

4. Resuscitation Procedures: Training in the skills of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator.

5. Medical Radio Consultations: Training in conducting medical consultations via radio to receive recommendations from shore-based medical services in emergency situations.

Target Audience

The class is intended for training both the regular crew and officers of vessels. The training is aimed at seafarers who need to acquire the skills of providing first aid and caring for the sick on board the vessel, as well as those who seek to improve their qualifications in maritime medicine.


The class is equipped with everything necessary for high-quality training and preparation of medical personnel:

• Training Medical Equipment and Devices: Includes mannequins and dummies for practicing artificial respiration, chest compressions, intravenous and intramuscular injections.

• Diagnostic Equipment: Devices for measuring blood pressure, an automated external defibrillator, and a human skeleton for studying anatomy.

• Medications and Instruments: A full set of ship’s pharmacy medications and medical instruments for providing first aid and performing resuscitation procedures.

• Training Materials: Visual aids, posters, training videos, a computer, and a multimedia projector for conducting lectures and practical classes.

• Qualified Medical Personnel: The classes are conducted by a qualified medical worker with experience in maritime medicine.

Compliance with Standards

The class complies with the requirements of the STCW Convention as amended, as well as the recommendations of the International Medical Guide for Ships, developed by the World Health Organization (1992). Training is conducted in accordance with sections A-VI/1 and A-VI/4 of the STCW Code, ensuring compliance with international standards and the acquisition of necessary knowledge and skills for providing medical assistance on the vessel.


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